Thursday, January 5, 2012

Day 4 by xtina

I'm in such a bad mood today!!!
Are you supposed to get grumpy when you are having sugar withdrawals or something?  I need to google that.

Here's what I ate today:

Breakfast:  2 egg whites & two whole eggs, scrambled in olive oil;  Smoothie (same as before - I need to try a green smoothie here soon)

Went to CrossFit at 8am where we worked on handstands and handstand push-ups.  It was pretty hard for me as I have quite a bit of weakness still in my left arm and wrist.  So I am tired from that today.

Snack: Chicken salad (Roasted chicken, homemade mayo, granny smith apples, rosemary, S&P)

Lunch: Chicken salad, 1 cup mixed greens, 3 strawberries

Afternoon Snack (I was hungry today!): Banana w/ almond butter

Dinner: Applegate Farms Organic beef hot dog, mixed greens, 5 strawberries, some macadamia nuts

Snack: Larabar (the apple cinnamon kind, as it is Whole30 compliant - although they say use only in the case of emergency hunger.  Well, I'm sure other people bend the rules a bit too! It was really good, but I had a hard time eating the whole thing.)

I think I am finally full today.  It's just been a rough day for some reason.  And, yes, I have a headache.  I did take some excedrin, though, as the pain is at the base of my skull which leads me to believe it really is just a tension headache stemming from my shoulder/neck problems.  I don't know what a carb- or sugar - headache would feel like, but I don't think this is it.

I hope I wake up much happier tomorrow!!


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