Friday, January 20, 2012

Day 19 by xtina

Well, hello there.  I haven't been online as much the past few days because I actually feel well and happy enough to do some things outside the house.

I had a pulled leg muscle on Monday & I was stunned at how quickly it healed.  It would have been hurting for probably three days on my old, bad diet.  But it felt great by Tuesday morning.  The body is such an amazing thing.

Did a jump-roping and snatching WOD today.  10 minutes of constant motion & I did not use my inhaler.  Good sign.

My face looks so great - my skin loves this diet.  I haven't been as hungry this week as I was the first two weeks, so I think my hormones are balancing out.

Had some Aleve twice this week, but only due to my leg injury and the old shoulder/neck flaring up a bit today after the snatching.

So I'm on day 19 out of 43.  I don't think I would have extended the whole30 if I wasn't doing the challenge along with my gym.  It's a bit out of range for our budget to eat this way for a very long period of time.  I am most certainly not introducing dairy back into my diet except for the occasional piece of cheese.  And as I have not had any hankerings for soy, I'll stay away from that too.

My acupuncturist, though, recommended I use some legumes and grains, and I feel that I will incorporate those back into my diet.  I do know the difference now between "eating my veggies" and having one veggie per day.  I won't go back to that as I believe the veggies are what is making the difference in my body.

All right, time to cook dinner!

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