Friday, February 24, 2012


Never, in a million years, did I think sugar was bad for me. I realized today that it makes me sleepy. My back is hurting so badly right now and I'd like to blame it on the sugar but I'm going to hold off on the blame for now until I eat it again and see if I end up hurting.

I have scoliosis, a curve in the spine. Mine curves twice. One curve is 31degrees and the other is 33degrees. It's been curvy as long as I can remember, since I was in my teens. I always hurt because of the pressure it puts on my bones but today has been pretty bad.

I went to two surgeons to see if they could fix me. Both said no. Both told me to work out and that would help improve the pain. Seriously? How is working out going to help a curved back? Come on, doctors!! Get with the scalpel program and cut me!

For years of terrible pain, that I dealt with on a daily basis, I complained. I was sad. I would go as far as saying I was depressed at times and I didn't know why. I hurt. Every. Single. Day. 


That is, until I started working out. It had to be me; my terms; my workout program. Not yours. Not your friend's or your doctor's. I started using the kettle bell and a Jillian Michael's workout video in January 2011 and started feeling better. Is my pain being lessened by working out? Amazingly, the answer was yes. So I kept it going.

I moved back to Florida after living in North Carolina for 3 years and was glad for the change. I got started at a crossfit gym, Crossfit FiveFlags, and haven't hardly hurt at all. When I do hurt, it's usually the "good" hurt as in, "Man, I got a good work out in today!" My back does hurt if I'm stagnant, meaning no work outs, for a few days. My mood changes, I get very irritable and cranky, start getting sad and have pitty parties.

My back is strong. I can back squat 105 pounds. My core is strong. I can dead lift 155# during a work out and my PR is 175#. I can front squat 95#. I can do strict push ups now.

If you're fit. If you're strong. You can feel good, inside and out. That was a looooooooong lesson that I finally learned on my own. Don't be stubborn. If you're sad, out of shape, in pain, try lifting something heavy. Try a gym. Try MY gym!

The pain is nearly gone, and is almost completely gone from day-to-day.

Strength = power!

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